Slovak Ornithological Society

Bird ringing in Slovakia is organized by the Bird Ringing Centre (Krúžkovacia centrála) at the Slovak Ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia (SOS/BL Slovakia). Bird ringing in the area of Slovakia started in 1908 at the Hungarian Ornithological Society because our country was then part of the Hungarian kingdom. The Czechoslovak Ornithological Society was established in 1926 and bird ringing started in cooperation with the National Museum in Prague in 1934. These scientific organisations organized bird ringing in Slovakia until 2001.

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Centre for Animal Marking

Systematic and organized bird ringing within the present borders of Serbia has been continuously organized since the very beginning of the use of this technique worldwide. The ornithological community adopted this new twentieth-century technique immediately and with enthusiasm. Networks of trained and dedicated amateurs were quickly formed, which gave rise to our ringing scheme.

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Romanian Ornithological Centre

Romanian Ornithological Center is a research unit with a long tradition of bird ringing. Since it was formed in 1939 it has focused on the research of wild bird movements and migration pathways. ROC is responsible for the organizing, coordinating and supervising of bird ringing in Romania, resighting and recovery data of ringed birds and constant communication with other ringing centres. Now our current efforts are centered on the Black Sea cost and Danube Delta on the Via Pontica migration route, and on conservation projects.

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Central Nacional de Anilhagem

All scientific ringing of birds in Portugal is coordinated by the Bird Ringing Centre (POL), which is part of the Centre for Studies on Migration and Protection of Birds (CEMPA). CEMPA began its existence in 1975 with a small group of ringers who worked for the Portuguese government, who were trained by ringers from the BTO in 1976 and 1977. Currently, CEMPA is integrated into the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF), the Portuguese government's national nature conservation authority.

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Bird ringing for science and conservation is coordinated by Vogeltrekstation – Dutch Centre for Avian Migration and Demography. Vogeltrekstation is a collaboration between the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and the Ringers’ Association. Vogeltrekstation is hosted by NIOO-KNAW in Wageningen, The Netherlands.

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BirdLife Malta Ringing Scheme

The BirdLife Malta Ringing Scheme has been carrying out bird ringing studies in the Maltese Islands since 1965. Due to its location, Malta is an ideal place to study migration of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea on their bi-annual migration. A large quantity of migrants use Malta as a stop-over site during their Mediterranean crossings.

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Bird Study and Protection Society of Macedonia

The Macedonian Bird Ringing Scheme (MBRS) was formed in 1989 but the use of Macedonian rings started only in 1995 (when we were supplied with 7500 Macedonian coded rings). Up until 1995 we used rings issued by the Ornithological Department in Zagreb, Croatia, which was the most active bird ringing centre in Yugoslavia at that time.

MBRS is part of the Bird Study and Protection Society of Macedonia (Bird Protection Macedonia - BPM).

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Lithuanian Bird Ringing Centre

In Lithuania a systematic bird ringing was initiated by the University of Lithuania (since 1931 – University of Vytautas Magnus) in 1929. The initiator of this activity was professor in zoology Tadas Ivanauskas (1882-1970).

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