
A full list of publications referenced in species analysis texts:

Reference No. BMAREF267 Bécares, J.; Arcos, J. M., Oro, D. 2016 . Migración y ecología espacial de la gaviota de Audouin en el Mediterráneo occidental y noroeste africano. Monografía n.º 1 del programa Migra. SEO/BirdLife, Madrid , Madrid
Reference No. BMAREF917 Becker, P.H., Schmaljohann, H., Riechert, J., Wagenknecht, G., Zajková, Z., González-Solís, J. 2016 . Common Terns on the East Atlantic Flyway: temporal–spatial distribution during the non-breeding period. Journal of Ornithology 157 : 927–940 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF908 Beintema, A.J. 1997 . European Black Terns (Chlidonias niger) in Trouble: Examples of Dietary Problems. Colonial Waterbirds 20 : 558–565
Reference No. BMAREF811 Bell, C.P. 1996 . Seasonality and time allocation as causes of leap-frog migration in the Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava. Journal of avian Biology 27 : 334–342 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF812 Bell, C.P. 2007 . Climate change and spring migration in the Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava: an Afrotropical perspective. Journal of Ornithology 148 : 495–499 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF465 Benkman, C. W. 1993 . Adaptation to single resources and the evolution of crossbill (Loxia) diversity. Ecological Monographs 63 : 305–325
Reference No. BMAREF746 Bensch, S., Andersson, T., Åkesson, S. 1999 . Morphological and molecular variation across a migratory divide in willow warblers, Phylloscopus trochilus. Evolution 53 : 1925–1935 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF113 Bensusan, K. J., García, E. F. J., Cortes, J., E. 2007 . Trends in abundance of migrating raptors at Gibraltar in spring. Ardea 95 : 83–90
Reference No. BMAREF605 Bergman, G. 1974 . The spring migration of the Long-tailed Duck and the Common Scoter in western Finland. Ornis Fennica 51 : 129–145
Reference No. BMAREF790 Bergner, A., Elderud, C., Person, K., Gezelius, L. 2021 . Autumn migration of Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus in southern Sweden: results from ten years of crepuscular ringing. Ornis Svecica
Reference No. BMAREF116 Bernis, F. 1983 . Migration of Griffon Vulture in the Western Palearctic. In: Vulture Biology and Management. : 185–196 University of California Press., Berkeley , Berkeley
Reference No. BMAREF155 Berny, P., Gaillet, J.-R. 2008 . Acute poisoning of Red Kites (Milvus milvus) in France: Data from the SAGIR network. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44 : 417–426
Reference No. BMAREF885 Berthold, P., Kaatz, M., & Querner, U. 2004 . Long-term satellite tracking of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) migration: constancy versus variability. Journal of Ornithology 145 : 356–359
Reference No. BMAREF556 Bibby, C. J., Green, R. E. 1980 . Foraging behaviour of migrant pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca, on temporary territories. Journal of Animal Ecology 49 : 507–521
Reference No. BMAREF402 Biebach, H. 1990 . Strategies of trans-Saharan migrants. In: E. Gwinner (Eds.), Bird migration. : 352–367 Springer Heidelberg, Berlin , Berlin
Reference No. BMAREF660 Biebach, H. 1985 . Sahara stopover in migratory flycatchers: fat and food affect the time program. Experentia 4 : 695–697
Reference No. BMAREF117 Bildstein, K. L., Bechard, M. J., Farmer, C., Newcomb, L. 2009 . Narrow sea crossings present major obstacles to migrating Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus. Ibis 151 : 382–391
Reference No. BMAREF139 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Anas crecca.
Reference No. BMAREF204 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Sitta europaea. Downloaded from on 31/08/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF568 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Acanthis flammea.
Reference No. BMAREF387 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Alca torda. Downloaded from on 17/10/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF335 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Lanius excubitor. Downloaded from on 04/10/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF536 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Tringa glareola. Downloaded from on 08/01/2022
Reference No. BMAREF579 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Calidris ferruginea. Downloaded from on 13/01/2022.
Reference No. BMAREF034 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Ardeolla ralloides.
Reference No. BMAREF462 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Loxia curvirostra.
Reference No. BMAREF547 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Pinicola enucleator.
Reference No. BMAREF066 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Ardea cinerea.
Reference No. BMAREF077 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Tachymarptis melba. Downloaded from on 20/07/2021
Reference No. BMAREF526 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Pyrrhula pyrrhula.
Reference No. BMAREF227 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Burhinus oedicnemus. Downloaded from on 05/09/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF109 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Gyps fulvus.
Reference No. BMAREF504 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Actitis hypoleucos. Downloaded from on 26/12/2021
Reference No. BMAREF769 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Upupa epops. Downloaded from on 22/01/2022.
Reference No. BMAREF272 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Sterna dougallii. Downloaded from on 22/09/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF304 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Alauda arvensis.
Reference No. BMAREF844 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Falco naumanni. Downloaded from on 27/01/2022.
Reference No. BMAREF548 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Carduelis spinus.
Reference No. BMAREF864 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Haliaeetus albicilla. Downloaded from on 31/01/2022
Reference No. BMAREF003 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Tachybaptus ruficollis. Downloaded from on 13/02/2021
Reference No. BMAREF014 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Podiceps cristatus. Downloaded from on 20/02/2021
Reference No. BMAREF474 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Columba oenas.
Reference No. BMAREF358 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Alle alle. Downloaded from on 12/10/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF130 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Surnia ulula. Downloaded from on 03/08/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF195 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Alcedo atthis. Downloaded from on 28/08/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF570 BirdLife International 2022 . Species factsheet: Larus marinus.
Reference No. BMAREF453 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Tringa erythropus. Downloaded from on 18/12/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF337 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Rissa tridactyla. Downloaded from on 11/10/2021.
Reference No. BMAREF174 BirdLife International 2021 . Species factsheet: Strix aluco. Downloaded from on 10/08/2021.