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En cours de chargement...
Rob Robinson

Black-tailed Godwit breeds in wet grassland across a wide range at mid-latitudes in Eurasia, from Iceland to Shetland (ssp islandica), W and C Europe to Russia (nominate ssp limosa), with fragmented distribution further E in Inner Mongolia, E Siberia to Kamchatka and Chukotka. Islandica winters along coasts from Scotland to Iberia, while limosa winters in the Mediterranean and sub-Saharan Africa.

Season of assessment


Population trendStable
Population size
(min-max, best estimate)
Red List categoryNT
Franks, S., Fiedler, W., Arizaga, J., Jiguet, F., Nikolov, B., van der Jeugd, Ambrosini, R, Aizpurua, O., Bairlein, F., Clark, J., Fattorini, N, Hammond, M., Higgins, D, Levering, H., Skellorn, W., Spina, F, Thorup, K. Walker, J., Woodward, I. and Baillie, S.R. (1) (2022) Online Atlas of the movements of European bird populations. https://migrationatlas.org EURING/CMS (1) Principal investigator
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Données cartographiées*
Données totales disponibles
*Données cartographiées avec des contrôles >= à 50 km