
The Albanian Ornithological Society has been actively undertaking Bird Ringing activities and research since 2016. Since that time we have marked 11,438 individuals of 87 bird species with uniquely numbered aluminium rings. The importance of this amount of birds being ringed using this method is shown by the fact that during our work we were able to confirm the occurrence of two species new to the avifauna of Albania. We have undertaken more than 15 bird ringing camps along the costline of Albania. The objectives of the study were very clear - to investigate the reedbeds in the costal lagoons of Albania through bird ringing. The camps are mainly focused in Shkodra (Velipoja), Lezha (Tale), Durres (Rrushkull), Butrint (Bufi Lake), Vlora (Orikum) and Korça (Prespa). In addition to ringing, we have recorded recaptures of 931 individuals. The recaptured birds were found in nine countries including Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria and Greece. All the data has been sent to the EURING databank so that they are available for many research purposes, including the Migration Atlas.

The collaboration of AOS with the Bird Protection Society of Kiskunság and MME, BirdLife Hungary, has been an important cornerstone for the creation and revitalization of the Albanian Bird Ringing Scheme. In 2019, AOS became a member of EURING family and is the National Organization in charge of bird ringing in Albania. AOS has established a ringing station in Orikum, which is situated in Vlora bay (in the south of the country) close to Orikumi lagoon and is the first Bird Ringing Station to be established in Albania. We are currently planning to establish several bird ringing stations along the Albanian coast.

The Albanian Bird Ringing Scheme acknowledges the contribution of all the members of the Albanian Ornithological Society and particularly Erald Xeka. We would also like to highlight the immense contribution of our Hungarian colleagues from the Bird Protection Society of Kiskunság and MME, BirdLife Hungary. A huge thank you to Papi, our host from “Maxola’s Dream”. His hospitality has been crucial for many bird ringers contributing to the Albanian Bird Ringing Scheme.

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