
A full list of publications referenced in species analysis texts:

Reference No. BMAREF163 Korpimäki, E., & Hakkarainen, H. 2012 . The Boreal Owl: Ecology, Behaviour and Conservation of a Forest-Dwelling Predator. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge , Cambridge
Reference No. BMAREF915 Kralj, J., Martinović, M., Jurinović, L., Szinai, P., Sütő, S., Preiszner, B. 2020 . Geolocator study reveals east African migration route of Central European Common Terns. Avian Research 11 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF809 Kristensen, M. W., Tøttrup, A. P., & Thorup, K. 2013 . Migration of the Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus): A Eurasian songbird wintering in highly seasonal conditions in the West African Sahel. The Auk 130 : 258–264 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF770 Krištín, A. and G. M. Kirwan 2020 . Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops), version 1.0. In Birds of the World Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA , Ithaca, NY, USA Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF841 Kunze, D., Nennstiel, L. 2020 . Recoveries of Ringed Red-Footed Falcons (Falco vespertinus) in Germany - An update documentation. AVES Braunschweig (11).
Reference No. BMAREF916 Kürten, N., Schmaljohann, H., Bichet, C., Haest, B., Vedder, O., González-Solís, J., Bouwhuis, S. 2022 . High individual repeatability of the migratory behaviour of a long-distance migratory seabird. Movement Ecology 10 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF876 Lane, J.V. ,Pollock, C.J., Jeavons, R., Sheddan, M., Furness, R.W., Hamer, K.C. 2021 . Post-fledging movements, mortality and migration of juvenile northern gannets. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES 671 : 207–218 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF756 Latorre-Margalef, N., Tolf, C., Grosbois, V., Avril, A., Bengtsson, D., Wille, M., Osterhaus, A.D.M.E., Fouchier, R.A.M., Olsen, B., Waldenström, J. 2014 . Long-term variation in influenza A virus prevalence and subtype diversity in migratory mallards in northern Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 281 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF874 Laurenson, K., Atkins, K., Clark, B., Morgan, G., Morgan, L., Votier, S. 2021 . Gannet Morus bassanus ring recoveries suggest shorter migrations than geolocator tracking, but indicate no long-term change in migration distances. Bird Study 68 : 1–8 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF636 Laursen, K. 2005 . Curlews in the Wadden Sea - effects of shooting protection in Denmark. Wadden Sea Ecosystem 20 : 173–183
Reference No. BMAREF391 Lavers, J., J. M. Hipfner, and G. Chapdelaine 2020 . Razorbill (Alca torda), version 1.0. In Birds of the World Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA , Ithaca, NY, USA Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF050 Lawicki, L. 2014 . The Great White Egret in Europe: population increase and range expansion since 1980. 107 : 8–25 British Birds
Reference No. BMAREF141 Lebarbenchon, C., Albespy, F., Brochet, A.-L., Grandhomme, V., Renaud, F., Fritz, H., Green, A. J., Thomas, F., van der Werf, S., Aubry, P., Guillemain, M., Gauthier-Clerc, M. 2009 . Spread of Avian Influenza Viruses by Common Teal (Anas crecca) in Europe. Plos One 4 4
Reference No. BMAREF684 Lehikoinen A, Santaharju J, Moller AP 2017 . Sex-specific timing of autumn migration in birds: the role of sexual size dimorphism, migration distance and differences in breeding investment. Ornis Fennica 94 : 53–65
Reference No. BMAREF832 Lehikoinen, A. 2011 . Advanced Autumn Migration of Sparrowhawk Has Increased the Predation Risk of Long-Distance Migrants in Finland. PLOS One 6 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF136 Lehikoinen, A., Hokkanen, T., Lokki, H. 2011 . Young and female-biased irruptions in Pygmy Owls Glaucidium passerinum in southern Finland. Journal of Avian Biology 42 : 564–569
Reference No. BMAREF608 Lehikoinen, A., Jaatinen, K. 2012 . Delayed autumn migration in northern European waterfowl. Journal of Ornithology 153 : 563–570 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF483 Lemke, H. W., Tarka, M., Klaassen, R. H. G., Åkesson, M., Bensch, S., Hasselquist, D., Hansson, B. 2013 . Annual cycle and migration strategies of a trans-Saharan migratory songbird: A geolocator study in the Great Reed Warbler. PLoS One 8
Reference No. BMAREF892 Lensink, R. 1999 . Aspects of the biology of Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus colonizing The Netherlands. Bird Study 46 : 195–204 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF103 Leschack, C. R., S. K. McKnight, and G. R. Hepp 2020 . Gadwall (Mareca strepera), version 1.0. In Birds of the World Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA , Ithaca, NY, USA Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF819 Leyrer, J., Bocher, P., Robin, F., Delaporte, P., Goulevent, C., Joyeux, E., Meunier, F., Piersma, T. 2009 . Northward migration of Afro–Siberian Knots Calidris canutus canutus: high variability in Red Knot numbers visiting staging sites on the French Atlantic coast, 1979–2009. Wader Study Group Bulletin 116 : 145–151
Reference No. BMAREF196 Libois, R. 2011 . Migration et déplacements du Martin-pécheur Alcedo atthis en Europe. Aves 48 : 65–86
Reference No. BMAREF771 Liechti, F., Bauer, S., Dhanjal-Adams, K.L., Emmeneger, T., Zehtindjiev, P., Hahn, S. 2018 . Miniaturized multi-sensor loggers provide new insight into year-round flight behaviour of small trans-Sahara avian migrants. Mov Ecol 6
Reference No. BMAREF1034 Liechti, F., Scandolara, C., Rubolini, D., Ambrosini, R., Korner-Nievergelt, F., Hahn, S., Lardelli, R., Romano, M., Caprioli, M., Romano, A., Sicurella, B., Saino, N. 2014 . Timing of migration and residence areas during the non-breeding period of barn swallows Hirundo rustica in relation to sex and population. Journal of Avian Biology 46 : 254–265 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF079 Liechti, F., Witvliet, W., Weber, R. and Bächler, E. 2013 . First evidence of a 200-day non-stop flight in a bird. Nat. Commun. 4
Reference No. BMAREF847 Limiñana, R., Romero, M., Mellone, U., Urios, V. 2012 . Mapping the migratory routes and wintering areas of Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni: new insights from satellite telemetry. Ibis 154 : 389–399
Reference No. BMAREF210 Lindén A, Lehikoinen A, Hokkanen T, Väisänen RA 2011 . Modelling irruptions and population dynamics of the great spotted woodpecker – joint effects of density and cone crops. Oikos 120 : 1065–1075
Reference No. BMAREF593 Lindén, A., Mäntyniemi, S. 2011 . Using the negative binomial distribution to model overdispersion in ecological count data. Ecology 92 : 1414–1421 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF088 Lindholm, A., Forsten, A. 2020 . Migration and appearance of Black-throated Gavia arctica and Red-throated Divers Gavia stellata in the Gulf of Finland. Caluta 10 : 1–27
Reference No. BMAREF626 Lindström, Å., Alerstam, T., Andersson, A., Bäckman, J., Bahlenberg, P., Bom, R., Ekblom, R., Klaassen, R.H.G., Korniluk, M., Sjöberg, S., Weber, J.K.M. 2021 . Extreme altitude changes between night and day during marathon flights of great snipes. Curren Biology 31 : 3433–3439 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF625 Lindström, Å., Alerstam, T., Bahlenberg, P., Ekblom, R., Fox, J.W., Råghall, J., Klaassen, R.H.G. 2016 . The migration of the great snipe Gallinago media: intriguing variations on a grand theme. Journal of Avian Biology 47 : 321–334
Reference No. BMAREF982 Linek, N., Brzęk, P., Gienapp, P., O’Mara, M.T., Pokrovsky, I., Schmidt, A., Shipley, J.R., Taylor, J.R.E., Tiainen, J., Volkmer, T., Wikelski, M., Partecke, J. 2021 . A partial migrant relies upon a range-wide cue set but uses population-specific weighting for migratory timing. Movement Ecology 9 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF347 Linnebjerg, J.F., Frederiksen, M., Kolbeinsson, Y., Snaethórsson, A. Ö., Thórisson, B., Thórarinsson, T. L. 2018 . Non-breeding areas of three sympatric auk species breeding in three Icelandic colonies. Polar Biology 41 : 1951–1961
Reference No. BMAREF1042 Lislevand T, Hahn S, Rislaa S, Briedis M. 2020 . First records of complete annual cycles in water rails Rallus aquaticus show evidence of itinerant breeding and a complex migration system. Journal of Avian Biology 51 Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF410 Lislevand, T., Chutný, B., Byrkjedal, I., Pavel, V., Briedis, M., Adamik, P., Hahn, S. 2015 . Red-spotted Bluethroats Luscinia s. svecica migrate along the Indo-European flyway: a geolocator study. Bird Study 62 : 508–515
Reference No. BMAREF450 Lislevand, T., Hahn, S. 2015 . Skipping-type migration in a small Arctic wader, the Temminck's stint Calidris temminckii. 46 : 419–424 J Avian Biol
Reference No. BMAREF932 Lisovski, S., Gosbell, K., Christie, M., Hoye, B. J., Klaassen, M., Stewart, I. D., ... & Minton, C. 2016 . Movement patterns of sanderling (Calidris alba) in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and a comparison of methods for identification of crucial areas for conservation. Emu-Austral Ornithology 116 : 168–177
Reference No. BMAREF962 Lisovski, S., Neumann, R., Albrecht, T., Munclinger, P., Ahola, M. P., Bauer, S., Cepak, J., Fransson, T., Jakobsson, S., Jaakkonen, T., Klvana, P., Kullberg, C., Laaksonen, T., Metzger, B., Piha, M., Shurulinkov, P., Stach, R., Ström, K. et al. 2021 . The Indo-European flyway: Opportunities and constraints reflected by Common Rosefinches breeding across Europe. Journal of Biogeography 48 : 1255–1266
Reference No. BMAREF394 Literák, I., Horal, D., Alivizatos, H., Matušík, H. 2017 . Common wintering of black kites (Milvus milvus migrans) in Greece, and new data on their wintering elsewhere in Europe. 11 : 1–12 Slovak Raptor Journal
Reference No. BMAREF152 Literák, Ivan; Raab, Rainer; Vyhnal, Stanislav; Spakovszky, Péter; Steindl, Jochen. 2018 . Occurrence of Red Kites Milvus milvus in Serbia based on birds tracked by telemetry devices. Acrocephalus 39 : 176–177
Reference No. BMAREF012 Llimona, F., del Hoyo, J., Christie, D.A., Jutglar, F. & Kirwan, G.M. 2020 . Black-necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive Lynx Edicions, Barcelona , Barcelona Dowloaded from on 26/04/2020
Reference No. BMAREF015 Llimona, F., J. del Hoyo, D. A. Christie, F. Jutglar, and G. M. Kirwan 2020 . Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus), version 1.0. In Birds of the World Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA , Ithaca, NY, USA Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF004 Llimona, F., J. del Hoyo, D. A. Christie, F. Jutglar, E. F. J. Garcia, and G. M. Kirwan 2020 . Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), version 1.0. In Birds of the World Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA , Ithaca, NY, USA Link to Article (DOI:
Reference No. BMAREF055 Lock, L., Cook, K. 1998 . The Little Egret in Britain: a successful colonist. 91 : 273–280 British Birds
Reference No. BMAREF798 Lok, T,, Overdijk, O., Tinbergen, J.M., Piersma, T. 2011 . The paradox of spoonbill migration: most birds travel to where survival rates are lowest. Animal Behaviour 82 : 837–844
Reference No. BMAREF829 Lok, T. 2013 . Spoonbills as a model system: a demographic cost-benefit analysis of differential migration. PhD Thesis, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. , Groningen, The Netherlands.
Reference No. BMAREF411 Lomas-Vega, M., Willemoes, M., Arizaga, J., Onrubia, A., Cuenca, D., Alonso, D., Torralvo, C., Tøttrup, A. P., Thorup, K. 2019 . Migration Strategies of Iberian Breeding White-Rumped Swifts Apus caffer, Rufous-Tailed Scrub-Robins Cercotrichas galactotes and Bluethroats Cyanecula svecica. Ardeola 66 : 51–64
Reference No. BMAREF595 Lopes, R. J., Hortas, F., & Wennerberg, L. 2008 . Geographical Segregation in Dunlin Calidris alpina Populations Wintering along the East Atlantic Migratory Flyway: Evidence from Mitochondrial DNA Analysis. Diversity and Distributions 14 : 732–741
Reference No. BMAREF596 Lopes, R.J., Marques, J.C., & Wennerberg, L. 2005 . Migratory connectivity and temporal segregation of dunlin (Calidris alpina) in Portugal: evidence from morphology, ringing recoveries and mtDNA. Journal of Ornithology 147 : 385–394
Reference No. BMAREF1035 López-Calderón, C., Magallanes, S., Marzal, A. Balbontín, J. 2021 . ThE MIgRATIOn SySTEM Of BARn SwALLOwS HIRUNDO RUSTICA BREEDIng In SOUThwESTERn SpAIn AnD wInTERIng ACROSS wEST AfRICA. Ardeola 68 : 335–354 Link to Article (DOI: